Teen Coach


Social emotional learning

Self esteem



Social awareness

Relationship skills

Responsible decision-making:


Teen Coach is a programme for middle adolescents to learn, develop and put into practice social and emotional competencies and everyday coaching practices. They will develop their understanding and ways to effectively deal with life into late adolescents and beyond. The programme has been thought out so as to enhance both the intra and interpersonal processes as well as the teenager’s capacity to identify and understand:

  • their own feelings,
  • accurately read and understand emotional states of others,
  • manage emotions and their expression constructively,
  • regulate behaviour,
  • develop empathy for others, and
  • form and maintain relationships.

Written with easy hands-on language content allowing also for use with Language 2 ESOL student classwork.


There are times in life when it becomes difficult to decide what is right or wrong or what to do.  Stealing, drinking bullying, cheating, telling lies, social media abuse...the list of teen life dilemmas is long!

For teenagers this can cause enormous mental pressure – want or don’t want, we often find yourselves having to make choices - even choosing not to do anything is however making a choice - you've taken a position – so, whatever we do, or not do has some form of outcome or consequences.

The objective is about placing Teens in a position to make better decisions about their lives.

It is about making choices and becoming fully aware of why they are making certain decisions, that they have choice and power and understand the reasons and mechanisms, which are behind choices and subsequent actions taken.

By the end of the programme, the teen will be in a position to coach themselves and have the skills set to mentor friends towards making choices that are more constructive and lead to healthy outcomes.

They learn about different types of behaviour, behavioural patterns, and the importance of knowing about self-esteem, self-confidence, the connection between thinking, feeling and behaving. Learning how to control them, they will be in a better position to develop self-leadership, have learnt, and put into practice some key coaching techniques.

The Teen Coach programme is designed to cover the major categories of social and emotional development, which can be used as the basis of a social skills curriculum, SEL target curriculum.

It can be used in a classroom environment, in a group context or with parents. It is the second part of a two-step Coaching Kids programme covering ages 13 to 17.

The content for case study and discussion is based in real life occurrences, which represent modern day dilemmas of today’s teenagers. The objective is to work with teenagers to teach them that they are in control of their feelings, thoughts, and actions. That they have rights and responsibilities and that they have POWER and CHOICE. They learn that they are in CONTROL of the choices and actions they make.

By the end of the programme, the student will be in a position to objectively make choices as will have increased their SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL Intelligence levels.

Effective communication is the foundation of social success. The programme will guide children to communicate who they are to others and learn the skills that are so important in forming valid relationships.